Who remembers the name of the club bulletin back in the 1980's? That's right, SCCCORE. Southern California Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments. It was suggested by Jim, N6TJ. It and others were submitted and voted on by club members as we decided on a new name for the club bulletin. By popular vote, SCCCORE came out on top. The name debuted with the March-April, 1983 issue. I am considering changing this Monthly News column to SCCCORE, and of course continuing to publish it monthly. Let me know your thoughts.
I'd like to thank Jim, AF6O for his many years as SCCC webmaster. Jim did a great job putting the web site together and keeping fresh content up. I'd also like to thank him for coaching me as we worked on transitioning duties. I'm still learning about proper formatting, something Jim drove home during his coaching. It's harder than it looks, despite my years of authoring other web sites! And thank you, Jim, for continuing to host the web site.
WRTC 2018 is July 14-15. Defending champions N6MJ and KL9A (standing in the picture to the left) will be back. N6TR will pair up with N9RV on NA Team 6. David Hodge, N6AN will be one of the referees. WRTC takes place during the IARU Championship (as a contest within a contest) and pits the world's currently most accomplished contesters against each other using similar stations and antennas, all within the same geographic region.
Looks like everyone had a lot of fun in the recent CQ WPX CW contest! There were some big scores turned in by SCCCers, and several commented about how late 20m remained open to Europe on that Friday night.
SCCC #1 finished 10th in team scoring in the January, 2018 NAQP SSB contest. Team members KI6RRN, WN6K, N6WT, W6AFA and K6LA put up 313,891 points on the board. Our friends up north, NCCC #1 took top honors.
CQWW DX contest results are out.
In the SSB contest, W6TK, W6AFA and K6NA finished 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively in the 6th District all band, high power category. N6RV took the top spot in 6-land in the all band, low power catetory. WN6K was second. W6PH was tops in the all band, high power, assisted category. N6WIN and W6YI were 3rd and 4th respectively.
In the CW contest, SCCC placed 7th in the USA in the club category. Nice job, all! W6YA took 1st place, 6th District on 21 MHz. N6RV took 1st in the all band, low power category in 6-land. W6PH took 1st in all band, high power, assisted.
Full write-ups and line scores can be found on the CQWW web site.
The SCCC has won the Medium Club category in the 2018 ARRL January VHF contest! Five entrants put together 563K to take the gavel. PVRC was second (31 entrants, 406K points). N6NB won the Classic Rover category running 11 bands and visiting 10 grids. Wayne has now been contesting for more than 60 years! W6TE was second in the category. W6IT won the Southwestern Division Single Operator Low Power category. Meanwhile, KG6IYN set a new national record in the FM Only category! Congrats to all!
W6YI and team won the Multi-Op HP category of the 2017 ARRL November Sweepstakes Phone contest. W6AFA was the Southwestern Division winner Single Op, High Power. KK6ABZ won in the Southwestern Division QRP category. NX6T (op KK6NON) won the Southwestern Division Single Op Unlimited HP category.
In the 2017 ARRL 160 Meter Contest, K6NA placed fourth in the West Coast Region and tops in the SOHP category in the Southwestern Division.
The television sitcom
LAST MAN STANDING featuring Tim Allen as Mike Baxter, KA0XTT (Tim's show call sign--his real call is KK6OTD) was cancelled by ABC in May, 2017. The show has been picked up by and will return on Fox this coming season. While Mike is not a contester on the show, nor is his show station shown all that much, any exposure on a national TV show is good exposure. And who hasn't strained to see if their QSL card is on his wall? (I'm guilty!) Tim and his TV crew were influenced by a crew member to get their amateur radio licenses. Does Tim get on the air and work us mere mortals? Of course he does!

Many of you have undoubtedly heard about the new Elecraft KPA1500 amplifier. The April, 2018 issue of CQ Magazine has a nice writeup on the amp written by W9KNI. Bob makes mention of things like small size, quiet operation, 32 watts drive for full 1.5 KW output, seamless intergration with the K3 transceiver, and a feature he really liked. The K3 can go automatically to a different preset power setting (typically 100 watts) when the amplifier is switched to standby.
Speaking of ham gear, Kenwood announced the new
TS-890S at the Dayton Hamvention last month. The new transceiver sports a 7 inch TFT display, healthy receiver specs, and what appears to be a clean and easy to use front panel layout. Kenwood is billing this rig as "Best Performance for your DX life." This type of thing usually means great for contesting as well. Some dealers are now taking order reservations.

Yaesu also announced a new transceiver at Dayton, the FTDX101D SDR. And yes, it is an SDR radio with front panel knobs and buttons. Like the TS-890S, it has a large front panel display. The radio is designed with contesters in mind, harking back to the legendary FT-101 days. Look closely at the picture and you will see two front panel USB ports! Like the 890, some amateur outlets are already accepting order reservations.
According to an ARRL article, ICOM also debuted it's 7610 transceiver at Dayton. It too has a 7 inch display, something that is becoming more common in advanced transceivers. The 7610, like the FT-101D, is an SDR radio. And again, some outlets are taking order reservations. Both the 101D and the 7610 are not yet FCC Type Accepted and thus not available for sale in the USA as of yet.
The 2018 inductees to the CQ Contest Hall of Fame are:
Andy Blank, N2NT - Nominated by the Frankford Radio Club, Andy has
been the director of the CQ World Wide 160-Meter DX Contest
for the past decade. A world-class contester with wins
stretching back to 1979, Andy has also competed in five
Word Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) competitions and
was Director of Competition for WRTC-2014, held in Massa-
chusetts. He is also a member of the advisory board of the
World Wide Radio Operators' Foundation (WWROF).
Tom Wagner, N1MM - Nominated by both the Yankee Clipper Contest Club and
the Northern California Contest Club, Tom is best known for
his development of and ongoing upgrades to the N1MM Logger,
which has become the world's most popular contest logging
software. The program supports more than 240 different con-
tests, multiple operating modes and integration with any
number of transceivers and station accessories. Tom now
leads a team of developers who are developing further en-
hancements and were recognized with the YASME Excellence
Award in 2015.
The CQ Contest Hall of Fame was established in 1986 to recognize those
amateurs who have made major contributions to the art of radio contesting.
This year's inductions bring the total number of members of the CQ Contest
Hall of Fame to 71.
Should SCCC sponsor a contest plaque? I've floated this idea back in the 1980s as a Club officer, and I float it again now. I think we should. It's a way to give back to the contesting community. As a sponsor, we have a lot of options. We could sponsor an open plaque (that is, one needing a sponsor) in one of the major contests, domestic or world-wide. Or we could focus on a plaque awarded to a Southern California contester in a contest we choose. I've long thought we are missing in the California QSO Party, but I've had the same thought about some DX contests. We're better than this. Today, we don't sponsor any plaques at all as a club. Plaques cost about $80-$100 these days. AT $100, if 20 of us gave back $5 to the contesting community every year, we'd be in. I suspect most of us can afford five bux. Heck, skip one Starbucks or one time out at the fast food joint, and we're good. Some of us potentially could afford more. And believe you me, having myself donated in recent years to some things I care about (including amateur radio), putting in $10 or $20 (maybe more?) to a contest plaque (you wouldn't have read this far if you weren't interested in contesting) would go a long way. Sure, we get the SCCC name some recognition, but much more importantly, we reward a contester for a job well done. And encourage him or her to come back next year. And the year after that. A win-win in my humble opinion! Email me (webmaster) if you have thoughts on this subject and/or would like to contribute.
W6KY SK. SCCC sends its condolences to the family and friends of Art, W6KY. Art passed away last month. Services were held May 25 at Miramar National Cemetery.
Coming up:
June 9-11
The ARRL VHF Contest. With Sporadic-E season in full swing, 6 meters will likely be alive and kicking! FT8 on 50.313 will undoubtedly be the place to be, but CW, SSB, JT modes and even MSK144 should provide plenty of action. And don't forget the bands ABOVE 6 meters!
June 16-17
All Asian CW. Arguably, the west coast has a bit of an advantage versus the rest of the country in this one. And it's a lot of fun to work all of the Asian contesters on the other side of the Pacific!
June 16
Kids Day. Invite one or more kids to your QTH and show them how fun amateur radio is! If nothing else, get on the air and work the kids! They love it! Some will be motivated to get their own license and some day get a station of their own. It's these little things that got us all hooked!
June 23-24
ARRL Field Day. Many say "this is not a contest." But don't tell the SCCC that. Back in the day, the SCCC rolled out and put on full blown efforts, often winning their chosen category by a landslide. Whether you participate in a group that way, or just to have fun, do get out there with a local club and have a good time. Do some mentoring if you are joining a club effort where that club normally doesn't do any contesting. Most importantly, be a good ambassador of amateur radio!
Reminder. If you have station updates, pictures, your new ham web site, upcoming build or contest plans, etc, please send them to me for consideration in this space. Maybe you picked up a new rig, antenna, or accessory recently or would like to submit an equipment review. Let's get active, shall we?
73 for now,
--Dennis NE6I