Welcome aboard to new SCCC member Steven, W6QX. He enjoys participating in contests and does the CWTs as much as he can. In 2020, stuck at home due to the COVID pandemic, he got really active in the hobby again and upgraded to Extra. He got a new rig, new antenna and learned CW. And he replaced his former call, KB6VME, with this one. He has enjoyed doing Field Day from his Catalina 30 sailboat in recent years as well.
Many of our SCCC members are also club members of the Southern California DX Club. Last month, the SCDXC posted the message below on their website.
Their 77 year run has come to an end.
SCDXC has long been a co-sponsor of The International DX Convention held in Visalia each year, and was a regular contributor to the NCDXF (Northern California DX Foundation). You can read more about their history
The ARRL 10 Meter contest took place during the middle of December, and what a fun contest it was! Being at the peak of the sunspot cycle really brings the band to life! Some comments from SCCC members follow. Cliff, K3LL summed it up: "Super Fun!" Bill, N6RV said it was fun hitting 110 Q's per hour for several hours even though most of it was North America (he slept in and missed most of the EU openings). Mike, W6RW had a lot of fun. It was his first contest that he's entered in a couple of years. Frank, WA6KHK is still not in his new QTH so he was limited to a vertical. Bill, N7VM worked stations on CW as high as 28.158 MHz. He ran above 28.100 much of Saturday. He recorded his personal best in this contest, posting 1,320 QSOs. Jim, K6ZH had limited time tue to holiday parties, etc. but enjoyed the openings to Europe both mornings. John, K6AM concentrated on mults and pretty much worked everyone that he heard. He said that the band was in "fabulous shape."
Marko, N5ZO was part time between periods of power line noise, which caused him to miss most of the EU openings. And unfortunately, he lost his K4D on Saturday and had to go with his K3. Experimenting with his three 10m antennas, he often found the low ones worked best. Dave, N2JNR was using a buddipole up 15 feet high and was amazed how many reports he got saying that his signal was booming. Jim, W6KC made WAS and only missed three Canadian provinces on CW. Bill, W6QU (W8QZA) had 85 answers to his CQs on QRP, his best ever. Kurt, W6PH said conditions were not what he expected with an SFI of 171. He said that Saturday was just average and Sunday was very unsettled with deep QSB. Surprising since others seem unanimous in their reports of great conditions. Saturday, the wind turned his antenna 90 degrees from its heading. He also had a 20 minute period of horrendous noise right in the middle of a good run to Europe. More bad luck occurred with his laptop occasionally locking out the keying. Still though, he recorded 1,591 QSOs.
Ken, VY2TT (K6LA) did this one remote for the first time and beat his score last year when he was physically present in PEI. He said that it worked so well that at times he felt like he was physically there. For Tom, KN6OKY, it was his first time working EU in a contest. It was also his highest QSO total so far (120). Mike, W4EF missed the first 24 hours of the contest. He said JA activity seemed thin on Sunday, and the Europeans never got particularly loud. Tim, N6GP recorded his personal best for any contest weekend QSO-wise. He was, however, a bit disappointed that the band shut down at 0200Z each night. In 1989, he remembers it staying open until the 06 hour. David, N6AN operated from four SOTA summits and did about 5 hours of hiking over the weekend to get to them. He said that it was fantastic to hear both modes humming with activity!
ARRL has published the raw scores for this contest. See them
Registration is now open for Contest University 2025. CTU is held the day before the Dayton Hamvention officially opens. The upcoming event will be held Thursday, May 15, 2025 from 7 am to 5 pm at the Hope Hotel. Registration and more at
On Saturday, December 28, Reinhard, DH3NAB, announced that he was handing off the RF-KIT business (many SCCC members own the veritable RF2K-S HF/6 amplifier) to the newly founded company RF-POWER-Gmbh. His press release was published on the RF-Kit mail group. He said that support for the ampolifier will remain unchanged. Locally for us in Southern California, excellent support has been provided by John, KF6I. The press release follows...
On January 1, 2025, the business of power amplifier manufacturer RF-KIT will be transferred to
the newly founded company RF-POWER GmbH, based in Salzburg, Austria. “In order to meet the
increasing demand for our power amplifier, production had to be expanded. Naturally, the tasks
that my small company had to cope with also increased. That's why I had been looking for
competent support for some time,” says Reinhard Förtsch, head of RF-KIT, explaining the reason
for the move. This necessary “manpower” is now supplied by RF-POWER.
The owner and managing director of RF-POWER GmbH is Wolfgang Klier, OE2VEL. He has been
Managing Director of the Austrian company ViCOS GmbH, which manufactures professional
electronics, since 2004. “We have been producing the RF2K-S power amplifier from RF-KIT since
spring 2024. We will continue this at the same location with RF-POWER,” explains Wolfgang Klier
and adds: ”Reinhard Förtsch, DH3NAB will remain a contact person for our team. By handing
over many operational tasks, he now has more time for further development of the RF2K-S and
new ideas.” Reinhard Förtsch will be supported in this and in the production transition by
Thomas Rieder, DL4MCD. Chris Sauvageot, DL5NAM was part of the RF-KIT team from the very
beginning and actively helped to make the product a success. He continues to look after the
B26-PA mailing list and represents RF-POWER at trade fair stands.
Christian Janßen, DL1MGB strengthens the product marketing team. He is responsible for
advertising, the website, documentation and trade fair appearances. He will also provide
customers with advice and support. RF-KIT's worldwide sales and repair network will continue to
be available without restriction and as usual.
“I am looking forward to the production and further development of the RF2K-S power amplifier
together with my experienced team at RF-POWER,” concluded Wolfgang Klier.
When the hobby project “B26-PA RF1K2” was launched more than 10 years ago at the Forchheim
local club (DOK B26) of the DARC, none of those involved had any idea how successful the
power amplifier would be today. The great interest shown by many radio amateurs was not
without consequences. With the establishment of the small company RF-KIT, the product was
consistently developed further. It is therefore not surprising that the third generation of the
power amplifier, the RF2K-S, is now successfully on the market.
More information about RF-POWER at
The ARRL published a new update on December 27 related to their "Service Disruption" that occurred last spring. DXCC appears to be one of the last remaining affected ARRL services. While not contesting related, I thought it would be of interest to SCCC members since most are also avid DXers. Read the latest update
If you have a personal website and we don't have it listed here, let us know! We'll add it. And if you have a plaque, certificate or station photo you'd like to share, send that along too. It's been a while since we received updated ones so please do share!
AND (!), we are always looking for articles, contest writeups, antenna raising/modification articles, new radio or accessory reviews, photos, et al. Send them along so that we can publish them in SCCCORE and all can enjoy and benefit. Thanks!
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Strange but true...
Pinocchio is Italian for "pine eye!"
73 for now,
--Dennis NE6I