A Collection of Past SCCC News Stories (Newest to Oldest)
Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
September 2024
N6ZE Welcome aboard to new SCCC member Peter, N6ZE. Peter lives in Thousand Oaks and primarily operates on the 6m - 23 cm bands, doing hilltopping. He is also an ARRL VUCC Field Checker. We look forward to adding his scores to the club!

Here comes contest season! While you can find some sort of contest to participate in on any weekend, and even some on weekdays, September marks the beginning of some of the largest and most popular contests that occur all year. In September, we have the North American Sprint CW and the CQWW DX RTTY contests. And then in October, things really heat up with CQP and the CQWW DX SSB contests. Come November, we have SS CW, NA Sprint SSB, SS SSB, and CQWW DX CW! Get those station chairs ready folks. It's contest season!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
August 2024
W6BVB Welcome aboard to new member Vlad, W6BVB. Vlad hails from Laguna Hills and has done well getting antennas up in such a heavily populated area of Orange County. He is primarily interested in VHF and above, and has been in many recent contests on those bands. According to his QRZ page, he currently has a hex beam, a six element LFA on 6 meters, and yes, even moonbounce antennas! We look forward to adding his scores to the club!

CQP Chairman Dean, N6DE posted a link to 15 videos from the 2023 California QSO Party. Check them out here.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
July 2024
SCCC logo By now, you are well aware of the hack of ARRL's online operations, for lack of a better term. It occurred on May 12 and has taken down numerous ARRL systems including phone lines, LOTW and some contest log submission pages. The attack seemed to have been timed to catch ARRL at a weak point on the eve of the ARRL National Convention in Ohio at the Dayton Hamvention but I am told that their I.T. folks do not attend Hamvention [updated 7-06-2024]. ARRL says no personal information was compromised. Alternative contest log submission pages have since been published as needed. One thing to keep in mind is that when these things occur, management works closely with staff and various agencies, and in the vast majority of cases, is very careful about restoring services AND in publishing updates about the situation. It is very important not to tip off the attackers in any way, shape or form. The seeming lack of updates can cause considerable amounts of rumors on the web and elsewhere. Do not be sucked in by these. You will drive yourself crazy. Be patient and watch for official updates rather than speculation. Note that on June 6, ARRL restored phone service to HQ (which these days is all Voice Over Internet Protocol...aka VOIP) and certain other services. Updates are being published on the ARRL website ARRL.org. Publishing of QST, print and online, have not been affected. On July 1, LOTW has finally been restored. It remains to be seen how the system will handle the large amount of new uploads.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
June 2024
SCCC logo
It's Field Day month! June 22 and 23 will bring out a lot of contesters, casual operators from clubs around the country, and new hams! It's a good time to keep your skills sharp and to share your knowledge of contesting with others. Lots of BBQ grills and beer/soft drink coolers are often part of the weekend as well! Back in the heyday of SCCC Field Days, SCCC set an all-time record that stood for 14 years. 1980 was the golden year after two previous years in second place. You can read the story on Wayne Overbeck, N6NB's site. The club pulled out all the stops back in those days, especially in 1980. Fun times! If you go out on Field Day this year, be sure to talk up SCCC and encourage folks to join our club!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
May 2024
N7VM CQ WPX SSB was a month or so ago, taking place in late March. Contesting has become super fun again in the past year or two as we race to the peak of the sunspot cycle! It wasn't long ago when we were lamenting the missing conditions on 10 and sometimes 15 meters. Not anymore! Bill, N7VM said he wasn't sure if he was up for a long SSB contest but this one was WAY more fun than he expected! He hadn't put a serious effort into WPX in over 25 years. Conditions were fantastic for him other than for a few hours with the solar flare, an intermittent rain static, local lightening and QSB on Sunday. Frank, WA6KHK reported good conditions on all bands but he had lots of static crashes on the upper ones. He was plenty happy with his score though. JR, W6JBR had some excellent propagation to EU with some stations sounding like locals. Marko, N5ZO ran the NT6Q club call and this was his first ever full time remote operation in a major contest, and his first major one from the WA6TQT Radio Ranch. He found it tremendously different than working from his own suburban lot. At John's, he could work different layers of stations, though there many challenges that were much different than working from home. Dick, N6AA had amplifier troubles which limited him. Tom, KN6OKY had a lot of fun despite bad weather and having only a couple of hours to work the contest. He operated portable QRP with a vertical antenna at a park site.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
April 2024
Welcome to the club Bill, N7VM! Bill lives in Fallbrook (north of San Diego) and has been contesting since 1976 when he entered SS CW. He's currently building a new station there in Fallbrook after relocating from Utah and eastern Massachussetts. He mostly does HF contests but has done some VHF as well. He prefers CW but recently did 27+ hours in ARRL DX SSB. He hopes one day to experience operating from the DX side.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
March 2024
KN6ZZI's antenna Welcome aboard to new member, Warren, KN6ZZI. He lives out in Santa Barbara and writes, "A newer but passionate and ambitious HAM! After a career as a biotechnology research & development scientist and executive leader, retired in Santa Barbara, California. Established a world capable HF station within one year of General class license. Mainly interested in DX and contest operating. Studying for USA Extra Class license exam. Recently elected to Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club board of directors. Board member First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara Past corporate director."

The ARRL International DX Phone contest is March 2 and 3. Conditions should be very good now that we are at or near the sunspot peak. You won't want to miss it, especially after last month's incredible conditions for the CW contest! Complete rules can be found here.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
February 2024
ARRL DX Contest
Here comes ARRL DX CW! We are very near the sunspot cycle peak now and that promises to make this a very, very fun contest! We work the world and the world works us! You won't want to miss it!

I had to laugh at the comment from KQ2M in the soapbox comments for CQWW CW 2023 (as noted in The ARRL Contest Update for January 3, 2024): "Congrats to the ionosphere for nailing EVERY ARRL, WPX and CQ CW/SSB contest in 2023 with an M Class flare and/or CME! First time that I have ever seen/experienced this in 50 years of contesting."

Speaking of the ARRL Contest Update, this Operating Tip also appeared in the January 3 issue. I thought it was a good one. Hadn't thought about it before now.
"Benefits of Diversity on Receive
If you have two receivers in your radio, listening with two different antennas at the same time, one in each ear, can yield benefits. Being able to hear from different directions can separate the stations in the sound field, making it easier to identify callers that may be worth more points. Sometimes the effects of ionospheric fading can be mitigated, since as a signal recedes on one antenna, it could be increasing on the other."

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
January 2024

Welcome aboard to new member Gary, W6GA. He was first licensed in 1959 as WV9JRD and loves CW, DXing and QRP. In 1960, he became WA6JRD and in 1977 became N6UU. For five months in 1997, he ws K6WN but then jumped on W6GA (his initials) in late '97. From his QRZ page, "I am "semi-retired", working part-time as a child care facilities consultant with First 5 Riverside, and Calif. Dept. of Social Services as a Child Care Advocate, in Riverside, Calif. Also teach part-time Early Childhood Administration at UCLA Extension and Riverside Community College."


And, welcome aboard also to Tom, N6QDI. Tom lives in Ventura and is very new to contesting and HF. He was first licensed as a Novice back in high school. His dad was also a ham.
