A Collection of Past SCCC News Stories (Newest to Oldest)
Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
December 2020

The latest WRTC 2022 Qualification standings still show Axel, KI6RRN on top of the heap. As we all know, Axel has been super active in contests the past two years, banging out top scores in many contests. Let's cheer him on as we head to 2022!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
November 2020
KK6KMU QSL Welcome aboard to new member Bob, KK6KMU. Bob lives in beautiful Oceanside. He participates in about six contests each year and enjoys RTTY, PSK and especially CW! He primarily uses contests to improve his operating. Bob joined the ham radio fray in early 2014 and has a relatively modest station at this point in time.

Also, welcome aboard to new member Stanley, W6SMT. He is in Inglewood and enjoys SSB contests.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
October 2020
KF6MXK Welcome aboard to new member Phil, KF6MXK! Phil hails from Tehachapi where he retired in 2010 after 43 years as an electrician. His QTH has one acre now. His working life was with street cars, buses and cable cars in San Francisco. What a romantic job, eh?

The California QSO Party (CQP) is THIS weekend, October 3-4! This is the country's largest QSO Party and WE are the target of everyone that lives outside the golden state! Many of you go all out in this one every year, and I hope everyone else will get on and have some fun being the hunted! Let's all spend some time working this one and of course submit our scores for SCCC! Full rules can be found on the here. Note the change for multi-ops!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
September 2020
WA6TQT antenna farm Welcome aboard to new member Lynn, KG6DNY! Lynn is in Pasadena and enjoys VHF/UHF contesting and Field Day.

Axel, KI6RRN has been using the WA6TQT station owned by John in Anza in recent months to rack up some big contest scores. Where is Anza? Anza is a small town with a population of just over 3,000 located about half way between Temecula and the north end of the Salton Sea. It is nestled in the mountains in southern Riverside County at an elevation of just under 4,000 ft. John says his QTH is actually 4,950 feet and is the former radio ranch of W6BH. It has four 195 foot rotating towers and a 4-square for 80 meters. There are seveal drone videos on his QRZ web page, all well worth viewing. Coupling this FB station with the prowess of Axel makes for a potent SoCal contest power!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
August 2020
N2JNR shack Welcome aboard to two new club members this month. Peter, K3PS joins us from San Diego. Peter does a fair amount of contesting with the NX6T group and has also participated in the W6YI multi op efforts. He acquired this call sign this past May (former call was KE6LME). Read his bio below. Also joining the club is Dave, N2JNR in Sherman Oaks (shack shown here). Dave had been QRT for about 25 years but got back on the air almost 3 years ago. He enjoys CW, Phone and Digital contesting. Dave met Dick, N6AA at Visalia last year and decided to join the SCCC.

As of July 25, Axel, KI6RRN is still atop of the WRTC 2022 qualification standings with 11,350 points. Just behind him is RM9I at 11,204. 2nd place USA is W9RE at 11,000. The USA standings can be viewed here.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
July 2020
SCCC logo SCCC is celebrating its 44th year this month! The club was established on July 17, 1976.

The International DX Convention, normally held in April in Visalia, will be going virtual in 2021. From the web site, "After consultation with a few medical experts, epidemiologists, and long-time attendees of IDXCC, we have concluded that for 2021, the right choice -- and the safest choice -- is to have a Virtual Convention instead of an in-person meeting. So that is our plan." The committee has also renamed it the "International DX & Contesting Convention" (IDXCC) to more accurately reflect what it has become over lthe years. Indeed, contesters have flocked to the convention for many decades. The 2021 event will be held on two weekends, April 16-18 and 23-25. Keep an eye on the convention web site for updated news and registration information.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
June 2020
KN6GVI Welcome aboard to new member Augustine, KN6GVI. Augustine hails from Santa Barbara. He enjoys SSB and digital HF contesting, especially DX contests. The picture at left is Augustine (left) and his uncle (holding the fish).

Looking for something a little different to do on the air during the COVID-19 pandemic? The Finnish Amateur Radio League (SRAL), Araucaria DX Group and Radio Arcala, OH8X present a global special event featuring their STAYHOME campaign. Various awards are available. Scoring and details of the event can be found here.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
May 2020
Social distancing for hams I hope that you and your families are all well and staying safe in this trying time. Quite a number of upcoming contest expeditions have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation, and others are keeping a watchful eye over the situation. Jim, N6TJ, for example, has cancelled his trip to KH7M for WPX CW this month. Check the Contest Expeditions button in the right hand menu here for updates. Some contest committees have made changes for this year's events. For example, several of the state QSO Parties have eliminated rovers and county expeditions. Last month, the Florida QSO Party tried out something that I thought was quite inventive: Virtual Mobiles! The VM stations were not of course actually mobile but "changed" counties periodically. These were pre-coordinated/approved by the contest committee. THAT is thinking outside of the box! The Indiana QSO guys also got creative. They added two new categories to their lineup, the Distributed Multi-Multi and Distributed Multi-Single. Keep a close eye on late rule changes/updates for each contest where you plan to participate so that you don't miss this type of adjustment in operating. Will CQP necessitate something like this? Only time will tell. Field Day this month is going to be vastly different than in years past. No rule changes but I wouldn't be expecting much field and portable operating to be taking place by groups or clubs.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
April 2020
W6KH-N6TJ-PY5EG Jim, N6TJ fresh off trips to KH6LC for ARRL DX SSB and KH7M for WPX SSB tells us he will be back at KH7M for WPX CW in May and CQWW SSB in October. He will be at 9Y4W for CQWW CW. A buy contesting year for Jim!

Word came in from Dick, N6AA via the SCCC Reflector on March 10 that this month's International DX Convention in Visalia has been cancelled. The decision reflects the Committee's concern for the health and well being of propestive attendees in light of the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak that has been spreading across the globe in recent weeks. ARRL posted the same information the following day.

As well, the 2020 Dayton Hamvention announced on March 15 that it too has cancelled.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
March 2020
W6LAX Welcome aboard to new member Roger, W6LAX from Northridge (pictured left). Roger is a casual contester and enjoys the CWTs. He also enjoys bicycling. When he was 14 years old, he and a friend set the world record for the longest QSO, 78 3/4 hours! (Not sure if that record still stands but wow! - editor)

The ARRL DX SSB contest is March 7-8 UTC. Jim, N6TJ will be at KH6LC in Hawaii. John, K6AM, Levi, K6JO and Tim, N6WIN will be back at ZF1A. N6TJ will be at KH7M for WPX SSB.

Where is that K4 that Elecraft announced last year at Dayton? Are you waiting for it with baited breath? The first units should be shipped in mid-April to late May. Elecraft has a large number of orders in hand. They suspect it will take until December to catch up with delivery to all for the orders currently placed. (As an aside, the K4 is built in the USA. Yes, parts do come from around the world.) Some new features have been added since the announcement last April at Dayton. A short video with K4 updates from WA6HHQ of Elecraft recorded at Orlando Hamcation 2020 can be found here. As you probably well know, the K3 and K3S have long been very popular with the contest community. The K4 is likely to be equally popular.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
February 2020
Sun without sunspots When will we get some sunspots? Whos knows?! We continue to live at or near the bottom of the sunspot cycle. zzzz....

ZF1A will be on the air for the ARRL DX contests this month. CW and SSB operators include John K6AM, Dan N6MJ, and Tim, N6WIN. K6AM, N6WIN & K6JO will be at ZF2AM for CQ 160 SSB.

The 2020 Dayton Contest Dinner (28th annual) has been announced. Master of Ceremonies will be Contest Hall of Famer and CQWW Contest Director John Dorr, K1AR. The 2020 Contest Hall of Fame inductees will be announced that evening, and the main prize is an Icom IC-7610 transceiver. More details can be found and ticket orders placed here. Also, the 32nd annual Contest Super Suite during Dayton weekend can be found here. Note that the past two years have had some amazing transceiver release announcements as well as some fantastic accessory news. As they often say, Dayton is the place to be!
Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
January 2020
SCCC Logo The next Kids Day is Saturday, January 4 1800 - 2359 UTC. Getting on and working the kids (or better yet, hosting one!) is a great way to help show the upcoming generation how much fun amateur radio is. Who knows, some of them might be the next batch of great contesters! The exchange is name, age, location and favorite color. Feel free to engage the youngsters in additional conversation beyond that! Full details are on the ARRL web site at this link.

Congratulations to Axel, KI6RRN! He is currently top ranked in the USA in the WRTC 2022 qualifications race! John, K6AM believes that Axel will be #1 in the World once his WAE contest score is corrected! He is currently shown in 4th place. As we all know, Axel has been very active in recent years and has been turning in some amazing scores! Go get 'em, Axel! Details on his current WRTC status can be found here.
