A Collection of Past SCCC News Stories (Newest to Oldest)
Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
December 2023
Merry Christmas
November's CQWW CW contest had some mixed conditions, according to SCCCers. We'll have comments in our January edition. Read below for comments on the Phone contest.

Coming up this month are the ARRL 160 Meter CW contest (Dec 1-3), the ARRL 10 Meter contest (Dec 9-10) and the Stew Perry Topband contest (Dec 30-31). Check the WA7BNM Contest Calendar for others.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
November 2023
SCCC logo The 2023 California QSO Party was blessed with fantastic conditions. SCCC participants had one heckuva time being the chased rather than the chasers. Especially good 10 meter prop only added to the fun! It appeared to me that a few more than usual were reporting scores to the Contest Online Scoreboard, but unfortunately, a bug in the N1MM+ contest software caused a glitch where many operator's mult total stopped incrementing. Apaprently there was a workaround made public part way through the contest. Some implemented it and some perhaps did not get the word about this. This did not affect logging nor will it affect official scoring of the contest. I personally was having fun watching NT6Q (N5ZO) and NC6K battle others in the Top 5 on the Scoreboard (which is no reflection per se of the final scores, just a bit of insight perhaps since reporting to the Scoreboard is not mandatory) but alas, the glitch kind of mucked up the fun as far as scores were concerned. QSO totals were not impacted.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
October 2023
N5ZO antennas CQWW DX SSB is coming up this month! It is perhaps the most popular contest in the world! With Cycle 25 generally providing us with great conditions (certainly much better than just a few short years ago!), you won't want to miss this one! Jim, N6TJ will once again be out in Hawaii with other top notch contesters operating M/M as KH6J. Jim's booming voice cannot be missed so be sure to work him when you hear him. Next month is the CW version of this contest, another super popular one. Let me know of your upcoming plans for these two massive contests!

Left: photo is the N5ZO Escondido antenna farm. We all know that Marko throws up big scores in contests, especially the stateside ones. Now we know why! See his QRZ page for more info.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
September 2023
Welcome aboard to new SCCC member Robert, N7KT. Robert lives in Kingman, AZ and falls within our 250 mile club radius. He enjoys domestic contests, especially the weekly CWTs. He was briefly an SCCC member back in the 1970s before moving to New England. His XYL is Susan, NO7U.

INDEXA, the International DX Association, is celebrating their 40th year of supporting DX and DXpeditions this month. And in celebration of that milestone, they are sponsoring The INDEXA Wordwide QSO Party. The contest runs 0000Z September 2 until 2359Z September 10 and is open to all, including non-members. You can read up on it at their website, https://indexaqsoparty.com/.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
August 2023
AA7TO Welcome aboard to new SCCC member Tracy, AA7TO. Tracy was first licensed in 2001 while living in Vista, CA (north San Diego County) at the ripe old age of 16. In 2013, he upraded to General and got on HF. He was living in Indiana then. When he discovered contesting, he quickly jumped in, starting with SSB contests. He soon learned that CW was the way to go and focused on learning the code. In 2018, he moved back to his hometown of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, he has not been able to get a home station back up yet so all of his contesting is portable. Some of his most regular participation is in the WFD, FD, 7QP and NVQP contests each year. He also participates in the weekly SST, MST and CWTs as time permits.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
July 2023
SCCC logo Welcome to new SCCC member Paul, N6AV. Paul hails from Los Angeles. He had been off the air for many years while raising family but has recently updated his station. He worked about 200 stations in the May WPX CW contest and looks forward to getting back into contesting. Welcome, Paul!

The WPX CW contest in late May brought out many SCCC operators. 10 meters was a disappointment for most but the other bands were FB. Jim, W6KC operated portable in Maine after clamping a 17 foot telescoping whip to a wooden balcony rail and attaching two 16 foot radials.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
June 2023

Welcome aboard to new member John, KJ6HZ from Riverside. John is interested in HF, VHF and microwave contests. That about covers them all, huh? His favorite contests are the CQWW DX CW and the ARRL 10 GHz contests. He enjoys roving to some really interesting spots in the latter contest. John also enjoys many facets of ham radio from HF through microwave, including building antennas and projects. John is wearing a blue jacket in the photo from 2008 seen here to the left. See you in the contests, John!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
May 2023
CQ logo

The CQ WPX SSB raw scores have been published. Overall participation slightly exceeds that of the 2020 pandemic year where the world was essentially on lock down. SCCC participation seemed a bit lighter than usual, however.

Speaking of WPX, here comes the WPX CW contest. The last weekend of May brings out a ton of contesters, serious and casual alike. When (if?) conditions don't support working DX, there are a plethora of USA stations to work. This makes for a never-a-dull-moment contest! Get your station ready for a fun one! Let's hope for some really good conditions!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
April 2023
ARRL logo In early March, the ARRL DX SSB contest provided lots of fun and fireworks. The SFI was up above 160 and the A and K indexes were down low, providing excellent propagation during the contest. Some comments from SCCCers follow. Paul, W8GJK found wall to wall Europeans both Saturday and Sunday. Bill, N6RV thought conditions were better in the CW contest (that SFI of 340+ undoubtedly helped!). He said 20 was a little down until late night when it got crazy. 10 meters was a star, he said. He suggests, tongue in cheek, that for East Coasters, all of Europe counts as only one multiplier so as to level the playing field for the West Coast. Frank, WA6KHK ran RHR (Remote Ham Radio) for the first time and ran Single Band 10 meters. Unfortunately, he was very sick on Sunday and that limited his operating time. Jim, W6KC reported "wonderful conditions" on 10 meters Saturday morning. Ken, K6LA (VY2TT) also said the high bands were great on Saturday morning. He said the low bands were terrible for him though. Paul, W6PNG had fun doing DXpedition style at a friend's home using his new Elecraft K4D along with his KPA500 and a HexBeam. He found 10m was very good Saturday morning and he worked many Europeans with ease.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
March 2023
WPX Contest We have two big contests coming up this month. First is the ARRL DX Phone contest which takes place the first weekend of the month. The world woks the USA and Canada in this one. The second is the CQ WPX SSB contest, taking place the the last weekend of the month. With sunspot numbers higher than they have been in many years, these two promise to be incredible contests! DX and stateside stations will be out in force. Big guns, little pistols, medium stations...all should have a great time with these this month! You won't want to miss them!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
February 2023
Cycle 25 DX-World published a plot from NOAA last month showing the progresson of Solar Cyle 25. Thus far, it has outperformed NOAA's official forecast for 35 consecutive months. DX-World says that if this trend continues, Solar Maximum will either happen sooner or be stronger than originally expected. Let's hope for both!

If you are a user of WSJT-X, please note that the webpage home has moved to https://wsjt.sourceforge.io/. Also, the general release of v2.6.0 was announced on January 6. And v2.6.1 has since been released. This replaces the release candidates (RC versions). Release notes can be found here. The list of enhancements and bug fixes is quite long, so you'll want to read through them. As you probably know, different versions of WSJT-X can be installed in different folders if you like, preserving the older versions in case of trouble. Or, you can let it install over the top of your existing installation. I recommend the former but it's up to you.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
January 2023
SCCC logo The CQ Contest Committee published the raw CQWW DX CW contest scores in early December, just over a week after the contest itself. Raw scores are of course before log checking. Ken, K6LA (VY2TT) has a narrow lead over EF6T for 6th place SOABHP. Jim, N6TJ (KH7Q) has a commanding lead in SOHP 15 meters! As an aside, AA3B (V26K) recorded a stunning 9,000 QSO, 13.3M point effort (averaging 187.5 QSOs per hour over the 48 hour contest) as a SOABLP station (that's LOW POWER, folks) station using 2BSIQ! That's more than double the runner up score in that category and fourth highest Single Op score overall. Just amazing! Check out the rest of the Top Ten scores here.
