Historical SCCC Documents and Commentry Provided by Dennis Younker, NE6I

SCCC Logo The Southern California Contest Club was formed on the 17th of July, 1976. Like the formation of most amateur radio clubs, the start of the SCCC was a somewhat informal affair.

Leigh Jones, KR6X tells us:

"I know something of the formation of the SCCC. I wrote the letter to contesters in Southern California announcing the first meeting, bought and cooked the burgers, and bought the keg of beer. The meeting was held at the home of Pete Grillo, then W6RTT in Arcadia with perhaps 60 to 70 contesters present.

The Southern California DX Club had elected leadership that was antagonistic toward contesting. There would be no regional platform for club competition in Southern California in contests such as the ARRL DX Tests unless a new club were formed. The main group of members of the West Valley Amateur Radio Club, which was previously quite active as a more local club, had largely graduated from college and were settling in other areas, further leaving a void.

So I put together a flier and sent it out to about 50 hams in Southern California. The actual attendance was greater than the number of fliers. We milled around in Pete Grillo's back yard, talking contesting. I made lunch. Then the assembled group went inside into a back room at Pete's house and held a series of resolutions and votes. A committee was formed to charter the club. I went back to cleaning up after lunch, because it was clear to me that the club would succeed without any further effort on my part."

Tree, N6TR (now living in Oregon) tells us: "My most vivid memories I think came from reading something recently about the club starting off at a "party" at Pete Grillo's - W6RTT. Pete was a dreamer and had this vision of a big Southern California Club that could compete in the Sweepstakes. I forget if the NCCC was around at the time. I would guess this would like in 1975.

As with most ideas - things might have had some momentum and then sort of fizzled after awhile. I forget who all was involved - but at some point - the SCCC became a more simple club. My goal was to just provide a time and place for people to get together. So - I remember talking to the Dept of Water and power downtown (which hosted the DX Club meeting then) and getting a small room of theirs that I could use. I would show up and maybe be alone or maybe a few people showed up - but we had meetings!! At some point - we stopped doing that and went to the "Drink Pizza and Eat Beer" meetings.

I forget when it happened - but it was at the QTH of K6XO's (now KO7X) that we had a pretty well attended club meeting and I ended up being voted in as president by one vote. Second place was K6LL who moved to Arizona shortly after that.

Somehow - I ended up being "president for life" - which was okay as I made the job as simple as possible. However, when I moved to Oregon in 1984 - that all came to an end."

If you were one of those first 60 or 70, or otherwise involved in the formation of our club, please send along your memories. Thanks!


SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1998 K6NA inducted into CQ Contest Hall of Fame. K6LA appointed SCCC liason to Southwestern Division CAC representative. Next meeting at QTH of N6ND.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1998 President N6NC discusses the new SCCC logo as well as introducing hams to contesting. WA7BNM talks about Future Contesting Technology.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September, 1997-February, 1998 Missing these issues.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1997 K6LA steps down as President. His legacy is moving meetings from restaurants to club member QTHs. KC6CNV inaugural winner of W6UQF trophy. SCCC now on the WWW. KN6DV steps down as VP.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1997 Contest Withdrawal Syndrome. Next meeting at the home of WA7BNM.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1997 SCCC trip to Mexico for ARRL DX CW 1997.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1997 Bruce's adventure in South Carolina.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1996 Not sure if this issue was published. Don't think it was.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1996 A thin bulletin but AB6FO does a good writeup about his antenna plans.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1996 SCCC announces perpetual ARRL SS Low Power Combined CW/SSB trophy in the name of W6UQF. W6R story (WRTC).

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1996 AB6FO reviews CAPMAN. W6UQF SK. WA7BNM comments about the JA QSLs.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1996 AB6FO announces that the June meeting will include operation in IARU operating at his QTH as a M/S with a two radio demo. A nifty multi-page SCCC Roster is included.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1996 AB6FO shares his quest to improve on 160 meters. More on the Nor Cal vs. So Cal competition for 1996 ARRL DX contests. And, WA7BNM wants to hear from members who routinely have access to the World Wide Web. (Oh my!)

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1995 AB6FO describes what it's like to go 48+ hours with little or no sleep. (Wonder if N6AA & N6TJ have these weird hallucinations often described by others.) WA6OTU checks in from Oklahoma. And eloquently explains what SCCC is and isn't.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1995 AB6FO becomes the new President, and immediately implements a change in meeting venues. KN6DV becomes VP. High school "kid" KC6CNV scores 238x41 in Sprint! Where is he now? KJ6HO attempts to light the fire under Club members.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1995 W9NQ announces he is stepping down as SCCC President.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1995 Bulletin logo goes sideways. W9NQ reports that N6AA and N6TJ will be inducted into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame. AA7A introduced as new CAC rep for ARRL Southwest Division.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1995 WA7BNM takes over as Bulletin Editor. He's also been providing contest scores for recent issues. The NCCC challenge is discussed. N6TR suggests QCQ as a new Q signal.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1995 NCCC issues challenge to So Cal for an ARRL DX trophy. WA6OTU announces his impending move to Oklahoma, resignation as Bulletin Editor as well as CAC Chairman. We learn that Mark always wanted to move out of Calif. Separately, the FCC is going forward with their vanity call sign program. AB6FO ultimately becomes K6LA. He also mentions his formal proposal to the FCC to issue 1x1 calls.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1994 WA6OTU shares his observations from a tour of New England contest stations. VP AB6FO reports on his first year of high power operation. New program from K6STI.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1994 Thickest year-end issue ever! WA6OTU considers resigning from CAC, and debates his own thoughts about the CQ-CONTEST reflector. KN6DV takes over publishing of SCCCORE.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-August, 1994 Yes, this issue covered four months. W9NQ reports that SCCC won the Medium Club trophy in SS, and beat all but one in the Unlimited Category. Founding member N6ZZ moves to Texas due to a job transfer. There is also an introduction to the CQ-CONTEST reflector.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1994 W9NQ elected President; AB6FO elected Vice-President. WA6OTU appointed Chairman of CAC. (Note: W9NQ Bob is now K6ZZ.)

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1994 Sweepstakes wrap up.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1993 This issue was not published (the editor was very QRL).

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1993 Alien Syntax by N6AA. N6AZE continues his coordination effort for SS. WA6OTU reports that N6TR has crossed a line he said he never would: added support for a packet interface to TR-LOG!

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1993 N6TJ reports on the June get-together. W9NQ congrats the Club on winning last winter's NAQP CW, NAQP SSB and Sprint CW. The Club is now 120 members strong!

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1993 WA6OTU discovers what the rest of us already knew: the CQ WPX Contest is a lot of fun!

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1993 Oahu update part 2.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1993 Oahu update by N6VI/KH6.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1992 CQWW ramblings.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1992 Review of last fall's Survey results.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1992 15 years of SCCC history in ARRL SS.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1992 Visalia and Dayton write ups. N6VI moving to Hawaii.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1992 N6TJ points out that more Sprint entries are from California than W1-W4 combined. WA6OTU is introspective about DX packet spotting.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1992 N6TJ takes over as Club President. W9NQ continues his excellent work as VP.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1991 Final issue of 1991 is a small one.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1991 SCCC announces all out effort coming for CQWW. NC6U writes his final column as Club President.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1991 SCCC to go all out in NA Sprint. AA6RX checks in from Mexico. Humorous blurb above the SCCCORE title on Page 1.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1991 WA6OTU discusses awards. President NC6U and XYL expecting harmonic #4. WN4KKN joins SCCC.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1991 WA6OTU hits a few bumps (stated here in jest). See paragraph 3 of his Editorial. See "Flash! Man Bites Dog". See Bulletin Editor Apology on back page.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1991 WA6OTU's first issue as Editor is snazzy, and filled with energy! It's also the first multi-page issue without staples.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1990 N6ADI's final issue as Editor is short and sweet.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1990 Lots of news! N6VI retires from CAC. NI6W replaces him. AA6RX checks in. Two SCCCers and their wives expecting their first harmonics. N6ADI retires as SCCCORE editor. WA6OTU to take over in 1991.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1990 was not published

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1990 N6TR moves to France.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1990 Actually this issue is just tagged March, not Mar-Apr. Meet Mr. Messenger, the digital voice keyer from the hardware store. And how to key older radios with your PC.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1990 Introducing NC6U as the new President. Board of Directors positions eliminated.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1989 N6VR steps down as Club President.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1989 N6TR checks in from Oregon, and mentions that to this point, he's thought computers would slow you down whle contesting. However, he wrote his first version of what would become TR-LOG and reports on using it during AA.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1989 Quite a bit of discussion about the So Cal DX PacketCluster system (pre-internet days).

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1989 All Asian Contest challenge.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1989 Announcement that 17 meters is now available to US amateurs.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1989 AA6RX moves to W2-land.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1988 N6VR hopes to bring an IBM compatible PC to the next meeting to demonstrate the K1EA and KV0I contest programs. N6AW comments on the 599 universal signal report.

SCCC Bulletin October, 1988 This issue was not published.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, August-September, 1988 K6QEH Field Day summary.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, June-July, 1988 This issue invites members to Antelope Valley's first time hosting an SCCC meeting at the QTH of K6GXO.

SCCC Bulletin May, 1988 This issue was not published.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1988 N6VR becomes President, NC6U is the new Vice-President.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1988 WA6OTU says goodbye as President and carves himself out a new position: Membership Chairman.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October and November-December, 1987 Do not have these issues and believe that they were not published.

SCCC Bulletin July-August, 1987 The bulletin returns to 8 1/2 x 11 inch format. The name SCCCORE does not appear on this issue.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1987 Club Logo Contest; W8AKS volunteers to provide awards for a new club awards program.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1987 The SCCC - SCDXC contest scores dilemma continues, all of these years later.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1987 CQWW CW Club DXpedition to Mexico summary. N6ADI plants the seed for a Mexico WPX Contest effort.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1986 SCCC prepares for a return trip to Mexico in CQWW CW

SCCC Roster September, 1986

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1986 CQP moves to the last weekend of September this year only. Next year, it's back to the traditional spot on the calendar: the first weekend of October. NCCC and SCCC mobilize the troops and pull out all of the stops!

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1986 President WA6OTU attempts to bridge the divide while N6ADI tries to fix the apathy in the Club.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1986 SCCC and NCCC continue to wage war on VE3BMV who is attempting to displace CQP on its traditional weekend in October with a contest of his own.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1986 WA6OTU takes over as Club President. There is an Announcement that after the March meeting, we will have the opportunity to visit the W6AM station for the last time. NE6I receives an SCCC appreciation plaque.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1986 This is an election issue. And Ski is trying to re-focus the Club.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1985 NE6I announces that he will be stepping down as Club President. This issue also includes the early history of the SCCC! The organizational meeting was held July 17, 1976 at the QTH of W6RTT. Leigh, WB6OLD (now KR6X) put out a flyer to about 50 So Cal hams. On August 1, the first SCCC Board of Directors meeting was held at the home of WB6VZI (now N6VI). The authors of the SCCC charter were W6EE, WA6TLV, W6RTT, WB6YBL, WB6OLD, WB6DOI, WA6OTU, KH6BZF and WB6ZVC. The first official SCCC meeting took place on September 1, 1976 at the California Federal Savings and Loan in Arcadia. Temporary officers were appointed and approved at this meeting. President: WB6ZVC (now N6TR), Vice President/Contest Chairman: WB6OLD (now KR6X); Secretary/Treasurer: W6RTT. It was also announced that the SCCC would be publishing the National Contest Journal.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1985 Effective with this issue, Ski changed the formatting of the bulletin from 8 1/2 x 11 inches to 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 by turning the pages 90 degrees and folding in the middle. He also reduced the font size.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1985 W6AM passes away, SCCC officers pay tribute.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1985 NCCC declines the SCCC Field Day challenge. SCCC follows up by issuing a CQWW DX Contest challenge. "Time to put up or shut up," says N6TJ.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1985 Our spies confirm that the SCCC Field Day challenge letter appeared in this month's NCCC bulletin.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1985 Ski graciously publishes the 73 Magazine (remember them?) announcement of the 4th Annual World SSB Championship contest. 73 was promoting contests that filled in the missing blanks at the time.

Letter to NCCC challenging them in the 1985 Field Day.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1984 Notes from the recent SCCC XE2SI CQWW SSB operation. The Club was full of active people back then, but as true Southern Cal residents, we were non-committal to anything permanent!

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1984 N6ADI takes over as Bulletin Editor, aspiring to improve it even more.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1984 N6TR moves to Oregon.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1984 Summary sheet for the CQWW CW Club DXpedition to XE2SI included.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1984 This issue was not published.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, January-February, 1984 Club membership dues rolled back from $7 to $2 annually.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, November-December, 1983 NE6I begins editing the bulletin on his shiny new Commodore 64 computer!

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, September-October, 1983 The Club gets its own net.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, July-August, 1983 Using a typewriter to produce the bulletin.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1983 N6TR asks NE6I to take over for him as Club President.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, March-April, 1983 It's official!. SCCCORE becomes the official name of the SCCC bulletin, and it remains so to this day!

SCCC Bulletin SUMMARY SHEET, January-February, 1983 The last in a series of test names for the bulletin.

SCCC Bulletin CONTEST LOG, November-December, 1982 This is the fifth in the series of test names for the bulletin.

SCCC Bulletin WINNING EDITION, September-October, 1982 The fourth in the series of test names for the bulletin, it's published in two sided format for the first time.

SCCC Bulletin QRZ TEST, July-August, 1982 The third in a series of test names for the bulletin. Graphics and "fancy" fonts were out of reach, pasting to the master was the order of the day.

SCCC Bulletin SCCCORE, May-June, 1982 In this issue, we use the bulletin name SCCCORE for the first time. It will be a few more months before it becomes permanent.

SCCC Bulletin WINNER'S CIRCLE, March-April, 1982 NE6I takes over as Bulletin Editor and begins testing different bulletin names in hopes of finding one that sticks. The dot matrix printer could not print different font sizes, The bulletin names were created using rub-on letters obtained from the office supply area of a local store.

SCCC Bulletin January, 1982 It's a handwritten bulletin; N6TR's last. Tree had changed jobs and no longer had access to a word processor. The bulletin is undated but the following issue confirms that this is the January, 1982 issue. Tree asks if anyone is interested in taking over publication, and NE6I volunteered to become the Bulletin Editor effective the next issue.

SCCC Bulletin So Cal Contester's Guild, September, 1981 N6TR says the Club has been active for a whole year now. Perhaps so but interesting since the Club was formed in 1976. We apparently got off to a very slow start.

SCCC Bulletin So Cal Contester's Guild, June-July-August, 1981 All Asian Contest challenge.

SCCC Bulletin So Cal Contester's Guild, May, 1981 N6TJ took several of the deserving to see the W6AM station.

SCCC Bulletin April, 1981 The Club is now 25 members strong! Drake T4/R4 series discussion. (The Drake twins were an early favorite of SCCC contesters.)

SCCC Bulletin March, 1981 was not published (see note in April, 1981 bulletin)

SCCC Bulletin February, 1981 Open letter to SCDXC to discuss a SCCC - SCDXC score submission perceived conflict.

SCCC Bulletin January, 1981 The idea of Saturday meetings is welcomed. K6RR multi-multi coming next month.

SCCC Bulletin December, 1980 The Club is beginning to generate some enthusiasm in So Cal!

SCCC Bulletin November, 1980 Possible upcoming trip to Mexico for CQWW SSB.

SCCC Bulletin October, 1980 N6TJ receives kudos for organizing a super competitive Sprint team. It is announced that this will be the last bulletin sent without membership payment.

SCCC Bylaws undated (Early 1980s?)

SCCC Membership Form undated (1970s?)