A Collection of Past SCCC News Stories (Newest to Oldest)
Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
December 2021
Santa Ham
Whew! The whirlwind of October and November contests are now behind us! Conditions were better than in recent years, especially for CQWW Phone in late October. Everyone has been reporting improved conditions on 15 and 10 meters in recent months. It feels like it has been a long time since these bands have had much if any activity but we have definitely turned the corner!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
November 2021
CQWW logo Welcome aboard to new SCCC member Robert, WY6R from Apple Valley. Robert became a ham in December of 2019 and is just getting into contesting. He says that after his initial introduction to amateur radio, he was bitten by the radio bug. "It wasn't painful but the treatment is very expensive." Robert is an ARRL member as well as a member of the Victor Valley Amateur Radio Club. He is also a Voluntary Exmainer with count 'em, four different organizations!

The 2021 CQWW DX SSB contest is now in the books! Despite a solar flare that the sun released the Thursday before, conditions started out good and the SFI was at 108, near it's high for the month, with low A and K indices. By Saturday night, the A index had risen to 25. By late Sunday morning, it had dropped to 10 and the SFI was still 108. We'll gather some comments from SCCCers for publication in next month's SCCCORE. The CQWW CW contest is the last weekend of this month, Nov 27 and 28 UTC. What will conditions be like for that one? We shall see!

As a reminder, Jim, N6TJ will be opeating as KH7M at KH6ZM for the CQWW DX CW contest. This according to the NG3K expedition site. Jim historically does awfully well from there so be sure to watch for him.

On October 5, Microsoft released Windows 11. The free rollout will be a slow one and offered to newer PCs first. Rollout to all eligible PCs should be complete by mid-2022. Win11 has higher technical requirements than Win10 and some older PCs may be unable to run the newer operating system. Tom Wagner, N1MM reports that no issues with the N1MM+ contesting logging software under Win11 have been reported thus far. An ARRL article on the subject can be found here.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
October 2021
2020 CQP Plaque earned by SCCC
The largest state QSO Party of them all, the California QSO Party is the first weekend of October! This is the one in which to go all out, or if you can't do that, at least get in for a while and be the hunted! The awards are plentiful and the fun is unlimited! Don't miss it! Go to CQP.org for all of the details!

Perhaps as added incentive, you could chase California Counties in the CQP and get the WACC award (Worked All California Counties) sponsored by the NCCC. They have a beautiful certificate available to qualifiers. Rules can be found here.

And of course, at the end of the month, we have the CQWW DX SSB contest. This is another one you don't want to miss. There is always a lot of DX to be had and with the SFI numbers increasing, it should be a good one!

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
September 2021
SCCC logo Have you wondered about the WA6TQT super station that is often operated remotely by Axel, KI6RRN and a handful of other SCCCers? John has posted a couple of wonderful drone videos on YouTube of his antenna farm there in Anza. Check out this one, for example.

And what about Tim, N6WIN? As most of you know, Tim moved from SoCal to Arizona a number of years ago and has been busy building, improving and fine tuning his contest super station. Tim is now very active with the Arizona Outlaws Contest Club. Tim has a presentation describing building his station on YouTube as well. Check it out here.

Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
August 2021
The following was received via the SCCC reflector on Monday, August 2 from Marty, N6VI. It came in too late for the normal SCCCORE publication but I wanted to add it for those that don't subscribe to the reflector:

The Celebration of Life for SCCC member Art Goddard,W6XD will be held on Saturday, August 14 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Norma Hertzog Community Center, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa. See the March, 2021 issue of SCCCORE (Past News Stories) for more on Art.
RSVP to 949-878-6490.

SCCC logo The CQP Chairman (California QSO Party), Dean, N6DE sent the following regarding rule changes for the 2021 event. As you may recall, Dean had solicited feedback regarding proposed changes.

I received over 50 replies. The CQP Organizing Team read and carefully considered your feedback. We listened and made changes to the proposed rules and awards change proposal based on your suggestions. Although we were unable to satisfy everyone's request, the most significant rules changes we made to our proposal as a direct result of your feedback are:
  • 1. Restored county line station QSO scoring back to the way it was last year.
  • 2. Club Competition: created a single 175 mile radius club circle.
  • 3. Club Competition: created five club categories based on the number of logs received.
  • 4. Club Competition: eliminated rare QTH bonuses.

  • With this, we have now published the CQP 2021 Rules on our web page at: https://cqp.org/Rules.html
    CQP 2021 Club Competition Rules are also posted at:

    2021 awards updates will be posted soon on cqp.org.

    -Dean - N6DE
    CQP 2021 Chairman

    Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
    July 2021
    SCCC logo The SCCC turns 45 years old this month. The club was formed on July 17, 1976. You can read a short summary about the start of the club here.

    Welcome aboard to new member Bob, K7ENA. Bob has a place in Vista and is one of the operators at the NX6T club station.

    The California QSO Party (CQP) has a new Chairman, Dean Wood, N6DE. Dean and the organizing team have proposed a considerable number of changes for the 2021 contest. They seek your feedback on these. One that particularly caught my eye was the elimination of the MCE (Multi-County Expedition) category. You can read about all of the various proposed changes here.

    Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
    June 2021
    SCCC logo The 2020 CQWW DX CW contest results have been published. Dan, N6MJ operated ZF1A and took 2nd place overall. He and Chris, KL9A (who operated TI7W) both recorded over 10,000 Q's as Mr. Sun provided some early Cycle 25 sunspot fireworks. Their QSO totals averaged roughly 230 per hour for the entire contest. Think about that for a moment. That's nearly four Q's per minute. And not just for a burst but on average over the entire contest! Incredible! While the number of DX entities were down (166 versus 254 ten years ago), contestants continue to push the envelope on QSO totals! The USA SOHP All Band standings show Axel, KI6RRN operating as NO6T from the WA6TQT station finishing 5th USA. Not easy to crack the top ten from the west coast, much less the top five! Bill, W8QZA finished 3rd as W6QU in the QRP all band category. The SCCC finished 8th in the club category this go round, and nearly topped the NCCC. Interesting reading in the writeup is Ville's, OH2MM perspective over 50 years of his contesting in CQWW. (I'm not sure his comment about DX spotting moving from 2 meter nets to the internet in the 1980s is accurate. Perhaps but my recollection is that the internet really came into its own in the 1990s as high speed internet came into play (that term is relative obviously as speeds back then could not handle the internet traffic of today). The 1980s were BBSs (Bulletin Board Systems) and that sort of thing. Perhaps my memory fails me? Check out the section about the Russian Woodpecker. OMG, that thing was horrible and could end your operation on the band when it lit up. All in all, a really fun read. Thanks Ville for reminding us of the "good ol' days!"

    Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
    May 2021
    WRTC 2022 postponed From the WRTC2022 web site:

    At the WRTC 2022 Association Assembly on 23 April 2021, having previously consulted the WRTC Sanctioning Committee, the assembly and Organizing Committee decided to postpone WRTC 2022 one year to 2023. There have been no changes in the qualification process or to the overall structure of the event and its sponsoring committee. A detailed report on the qualification standings will be prepared and released at a later date.

    In consideration of the worldwide public health challenges from the Covid-19 pandemic, we believe our decision is reasonable. We have received many communications from competitors and friends of WRTC and have taken them very seriously.

    There will be further announcements regarding WRTC as soon as new arrangements have been made.

    Thank you for your understanding and commitments in support of our adventure!

    73 de Carlo IK1HJS President, WRTC 2022 Organizing Committee


    Speaking of WRTC 2022, the organizers have recently updated the Qualification Standings. Axel, KI6RRN remains on top of the pack with 11,900 points. He is followed closely by W9RE and E21EIC. As you may know, WRTC takes place during the IARU contest, and will be in Italy. The organizing committee is obviously still evaluating options. Stay tuned for more info.

    Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
    April 2021
    SCCC logo NCJ has published the final results of the February NA Sprint CW contest. As you undoubtedly recall, the contest committee moved the start time up by one hour (this time only) in an attempt to provide more operating time on 20 meters. Comments received indicate that it was successful. This did not diminish the west coast domination however, as six of the top ten finishers were on the left coast. Incredibly, Bob, N6TV from NCCC recorded a golden log with 362 QSOs! Amazing! Marko, N5ZO placed eigth overall and Jim, K6ZH finished fifth in the low power group. Dan, N6MJ operated as ZF2MJ (remoting in to his station there) and set a new ZF record in the CW Sprint. These three guys along with Dick, N6AA and Axel, KI6RRN (NO6T) powered the SCCC #1 team to a second place finish! NCCC #1 took first with a record setting score for five member teams in this contest (back in the day, Sprint teams consisted of ten members). Full results can be found here.                                              more
    Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
    March 2021
    W6XD The following was received from Dick, N6AA.

    With great sadness, it must be reported that former ARRL Southwestern Division Director Art Goddard, W6XD, passed away from complications of cancer at age 78 on Saturday, February 13.

    Art was first licensed as KN1AII in 1956, soon upgrading to K1AII, and later became W0MOQ.

    He was an electrical engineering graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Montana State University. Art worked at Collins Radio, which became part of North American Rockwell, and eventually Boeing, where he retired as an executive.

    After a number of years of working with Southern California governments on proposed antenna regulation ordinances, Art was elected ARRL Southwestern Division Vice Director in 1995 and served two terms before being elected Director in 2001. After his term as Director, he continued to follow League affairs and advocate for stronger public-relations efforts on behalf of Amateur Radio.

    Art was active on the air from HF through microwaves. A member of the Southern California Contest Club, he took part in contest DXpeditions to locations ranging from sub-arctic to tropical, operating the CQWW DX contest in twenty-six of the forty WAZ zones. He also led teams of VHF-UHF-Microwave contest rovers that typically ran ten or more bands and covered close to a thousand miles in a weekend.

    Art was heavily involved with the Costa Mesa Historical Society and was co-author of two books on Costa Mesa history.

    Art is survived by his wife Mary Ellen, son Andrew, and daughter Amy, W6XDX. Services will take place at an undetermined future date.

    Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
    February 2021

    Welcome aboard to new member David, K6FA from Bakersfield. He has held five other call signs over the years but now sports this one. He prefers CW and looks forward to the CQP each year where he runs QRP.

    Also, welcome aboard to new member Joan, N6KIM. Joan is the XYL of SCCC member Jim, K6ZH. The two sometimes operate M/S in various contests. Last month, they did the ARRL RTTY Roundup together. They also use the club call KG7NV when at their vacation home in Goldfield, NV. Joan was first licensed back in 1981 and has both DXCC and WAS.

    Monthly News (SCCCORE - SoCal Contest Club Operations, Results and Enlightenments)
    January 2021
    WI6X Welcome aboard to new member Jim, WI6X. Jim wrote up a nice intro in his membership application. I've copied it here.

    Hi, I'm Jim Dahl, WI6X, and I enjoy contesting and QSO parties because the contest calendar is full of opportunities to get on the air for an hour or two at a time to practice my operating skills, evaluate my station building endeavors, and learn about propagation.

    Things that get in the way of radio time are work, kids (Wisconsin/Ohio State/Woodbridge HS), & my XYL. Other interests are sailing, hunting, fishing, hiking, traveling, reading.

    Working on my code speed is important to me. Practicing with CWops, giving back, K1USN SST, and Morse Runner are vey helpful.

    I appreciate amateur radio's contest community for sharing ways to make what I have available as effective & useful as possible. As a towerless little gun, I rely on multi-element wire beams, extended double zepps, large loops, reversible phased arrays, inverted-Ls, a vertical, and a rotatable dipole (but not all at the same time or same QTH). Thankfully my Irvine QTH has trees, the XYL doesn't crane her neck up, I am on my HOA board, and my second station at Lake Arrowhead has 100-foot pine trees.

    I love that our hobby has an enjoyable and endless learning curve supported by arguably the best community of Elmers of any hobby or profession. Most all of what I have learned about amateur radio has been from the Elmers who write books & magazines like The ARRL Antenna Book, K9YC's Choke Cookbook, ON4UN's Low-Band DXing, N0AX's Grounding and Bonding, CQ, QST, QEX, NCJ, WA7BNM's Contest Calendar & Score Rumors, as well as contribute to e-mail reflectors like Topband, TowerTalk, EZNEC, SimSmith, Elecraft, socal-hamnet-users, N1MM+, as well as the Elmers who volunteer to help with programs such as CWops and Contest University, and of course all the YouTubers.

    Hams are great people. I am the Treasurer of South Orange Amateur Radio Assn. (SOARA), member of Irvine Disaster Emergency Communications (IDEC), and Orange County Amateur Radio Club (W6ZE).

    Just a newbie with wires playing radio when chores and family do not get in the way.

    B C T T E
    F F S G I J J K Q Q L L M M N O P Q T T