SCCC is the host club of record for the Southern California operation using W1AW/6 as part of the
ARRL Centennial year celebrations. The regional activity is coordinated by K6NA.
The week of operation begins at 0000UTC Feb 12th and ends at 2359:59UTC on Feb 18th. Active stations who can put out a strong, clean signal, and handle pileups
of domestic and DX stations, may apply to be a W1AW/6 Host station.
Hosts must be ARRL members, but Hosts may invite non-members to operate as guests.
Please download and read
Rules and Guidelines for Operating.
Use a logging program which can produce ADIF files.
Please access
www.arrl.org/centennial-qso-party to learn details.
The goal is to put W1AW/6 on the air and make thousands of contacts from several sites in the Southwestern Division
All bands and modes may be used from distributed locations, simultaneously, but it is critical to avoid same-mode, same-band duplication in a given time slot.
Hence you must coordinate with K6NA for your assignments, which can be chosen in two-hour time slots (start 0200Z-… start 1600Z-…) as indicated in our schedule below.

Study the existing UTC schedule by day of week. Determine open time slots which you can support. Choose band and mode for each slot desired. Use the Request Form,
visible below the assignment schedule. Your Host request and data choices will be auto-sent to K6NA. The schedule will be updated often.
If you prefer to make a direct email request, follow this format in the message body:
FEB 14 0400Z-0559Z 40m SSB
FEB 17 2200Z-2359Z 80m RTTY
Add as many lines as you can support. Send email to: k6na at cts dot com Your phone number is required.
Every effort will be made to accommodate your requests, but if changes are needed, K6NA will contact you.
Do not assume you have authorization until you see your call sign block assignments updated on this website schedule!
Multi-ops & club stations K6NX(KI6X) W6TRW(N6ED) W6RFU(AC6T) NX6T(NØDY)—members must contact their individual coordinator.